
It's Natural to Be Healthy

Is it possible to live naturally and to enjoy good health as a result? And if it is possible - How do we do it?

I am going to say from the beginning that it is natural to be healthy and barring accident or trauma, we should live out the course of our natural lives in a state of health and happiness.

We have the technology!

The human species is in a position to be able to create an environment that produces optimal health.

To put the matter bluntly, the world is out-of-joint.

Our present health system is failing, despite the advances being made in 'medical science.'

We seemingly cannot prevent such simple complaints as headaches, colds or influenza, let alone the more serious diseases.

Illness, particularly chronic illness, is on the increase, and illnesses that once were quite unknown are now common.

Iatrogenic diseases - (the direct result of medical treatment) are now a part of standard medical textbooks, with titles such as 'The Side-Effects of Drugs,' or 'The Diseases of Medical Progress.'

With all our technological advances we still fail miserably in the knowledge of the important business of living healthfully.

• We can design and build fantastically complicated machinery - machinery that will tie a knot in a piece of string.
• We can build computers that will perform feats of astronomical calculation.
• We have conquered space, but we are unable to live in harmony on planet earth.

Happiness is often mistaken as a sign of excitement, stimulation and image and Health is something that is disappearing very quickly in our species.

Having allegedly lengthened our life-span and conferred so many benefits on our society, medicine now grudgingly admits that the side effects of many of its pet remedies such as Thalidomide, Tetracycline, Cortisone, Phenacetin, Penicillin, Vaccines and the wide array of Antibiotics can cause serious illness, deformities, or even death.

It's time to ask questions about our traditional health system - it isn't working.

It's time to look at the alternative to treating symptoms with medicines - whatever their origin.

And it's time to act on our own behalf in order to assure, not only our own health and happiness but more importantly - the preservation of the species.

There is no better time to take control of our health than right now.

Health is an inside out job - NOT - an outside in job.

All the best for your Health and Happiness.

by Kevin Hinton

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